tea & thread: portraits of middle eastern women far from home

tea & thread introduces 17 diverse women from the Middle East. The stories and photographs included offer glimpses into these women’s memories of life before war, war-time difficulties, and the uncertainties of being a refugee. The collected recipes and traditional handcrafts invite readers to share the cultural riches that remain in these women’s possession.

All profits from sales of this book supported refugee relief programs in the Middle East. (9000+ copies sold in Australia and Norway). A limited number of books are for sale in the Shared World Collective shop.

Australian edition 2017, Grace Abounding Books, Anglican Aid, Sydney.

Norwegian edition 2018, Arkivet —Peace and Human Rights Centre, Kristiansand.


Sally Bathgate and Katrina Flett Gulbrandsen, in collaboration with dozens of contributors and volunteers from Australia, Jordan, UK, US, Norway and Hungary who offered stories, photos, editorial assistance, illustration, recipe testing, and interpreting/translation.

Creative Director, Lead Photographer, Handicraft Coordinator
Katrina Flett Gulbrandsen

Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator, Recipe Coordinator
Sally Bathgate

Alissa Herbaly Coons

Graphic Designer
Rebecca Derkenne